Monday, March 17, 2008

McCain Cheats Tax Payers-Fund Raiser in London at Spencer House

McCain Having Trouble Getting Americans To Donate Goes To London

As we all know, John McCain landed in Iraq today in his quest to look Presidential. He justifies American Tax Payers picking up the tab on the grounds he wants to get a close up look at the situation in Iraq. That does not EXPLAIN his other stops, such as England...if this trip is not a campaign event that should be paid for with campaign funds, how does he explain his FUND RAISING event in London? No conflict of interest there McCain?

The Trans-Atlantic fund raising event, this Senatorial necessity will be held at the 18th Century Spencer House (think Princess Di) at the bargain lunch time price of $1,000 per plate...does that mean Meghan has to pay twice?

Meanwhile, McCain insists that his trip with long time stall buddies Graham and LIEberman is official Armed Services Committee business explaining that congress will be reimbursed for any expenses associated with the fund raiser. To keep those expenses down, McCain has coonveniently scheduled a meeting with Brittain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown...that's how operatives MILK THE SYSTEM.

Spencer House, at 27 St. James’s Place, was built from 1756 to 1766 and is a short distance from Buckingham Palace.

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