Time For Hillary and Her Staff to Beat the Living FUCK Out of Obama
Hillary, her staff, her talking heads need to come out and beat the living mother fuck out of Obama, stop playing nice, and call the man on his BULLSHIT Harvard tactics. When I was in High School the coaches used to have a phrase, “That boy needs to be taught a lesson.” Well, the time has come for Obama to be taught a lesson, and for those who want to get their panties in a knot, go fuck yourself, the day of Double Standards where White’s have to play with one hand tied behind our backs need to be OVER. If Obama does not like the term BOY, he needs to stop acting like a child. If the press treats Obama with kid gloves because he is black, CALL THEM ON THEIR SHIT.
A simple rule of a street brawl…keep smacking the living fucking shit out of the other person till they surrender…instead of going after Obama, refocusing the argument on what HE DID WRONG, Hillary and the media keep letting Obama toss up straw man arguments that distract everyone from what the subject at hand was/is. Such is the case once again with Barack’s Elitist comments, the use of the word CLING far more damning than bitter! Instead of having to ANSWER to America, instead of having to EXPLAIN HIMSELF, his is being allowed to dance away from the issue at hand, get closer to running out the clock.
Obama so far is being allowed by the media, and by the Clinton staffers to DANCE away from the real issue…his comments by attacking the media, John McCain and Hillary Clinton on basically unrelated issues, throwing up Red Herrings to cloud the ring. Hillary states that Obama is “out of touch” and then lets him turn the argument in on her by tossing up some inane counter claim. BLOW IT OFF and then spell out exactly what he did in BOLD DETAIL, draw a picture for the voter, show them why and how Obama is trying to avoid facing the truth of who and what he is, and intellectual fucking snob looking DOWN HIS NOSE at the voters. Put out TV Commercials that call him Senator Snobama, show America the pictures of the Billionaire Mansion where the remarks were made! Choke him with the words he spoke, rather than letting him rearrange the FACTS.
Last Friday night Obama came out swinging, actually petulant that Hillary had the audacity to question his words…she should have been on the airwaves within FIVE MINUTES playing SMACK DOWN, asking him why he was incapable of apologizing to those HE OFFENDED, instead making excuses, and defending his comments as true while actually CHANGING THEM into something different. He so far is successfully being allowed to CHANGE HIS STATEMENTS into something that does not resemble what he said...use the video from the fundraiser where he has his inside joke with the Billionaires, infers that all us Blue Collar workers do not get it, because...well, the message is coming from a black man...the man just INFERRED that Blue Collar Americans are a bunch of RACISTS....call him on THAT!
You don’t win delivering one punch, then backing away when your opponent hits back. Instead, you go in for the fucking kill, punch the living fucking shit out of the bastard, and it is time that Obama gets the living shit beat out of him…who cares if some in the party get upset? FUCK THEM, we have had to fight this fight with one hand behind our back long enough, and the time has come to take off the gloves, throw away the rule book and have a down and dirty in the mud old fashion knock down, drag out street brawl, and when that happens, Obama will fall like the paper tiger he is…however, if you keep letting him DANCE AWAY, he is going to win the nomination and have his ass handed to him in the General Election.
Sadly, so far in this Primary Hillary has been allowing Obama to use her husband’s trade mark rapid response counter attacks to keep her off balance…screw that, just get down and dirty in the center of the ring and punch the shit out of him verbally, call him on every one of his LIES. He claims he does not take lobbyist money….BULLSHIT, trot out the list of his TOP TEN DONORS to refute that crock of political babble. He talks about politics of change, trot out the $200,000 in campaign donations from his wife’s hospital, and her $200 K a year raise immediately after he became Senator Obama.
In short, it’s the forth quarter, there are two minutes left in the game, you are down by six, but you have the ball on your own 20 with two minutes on the clock, and three time outs to get the ball in the end zone…it is time for some good old fashion no huddle smash mouth football, and Nancy Pelosi and John Dean can fuck themselves….it is time to call out the dogs, unleash the hounds. Fire up the phone trees, unleash the ROBO Dialers, and send every soldier you have out into the field to declare war, take no prisoners, don’t worry about collateral damage. Stop hamstringing yourself, stop hamstringing your husband, and most of all, stop worrying about Obama and his crews threat of playing the race card….they have used it to keep you caged for months now, and you either take the gloves off, or pack your bags and head back to Chappaqua now. You want a model of success…John Hall’s campaign against Sue Kelly in 2006. She came in hard and fast the Friday before the elections with everything she had, knocked everyone on his staff for a loop…instead of laying down, everyone doubled their efforts, took the gloves off and went after her with everything in the arsenal and it WORKED. Obama is trying to RUN OUT THE CLOCK on you, keeps dancing away…its time to put him on the ropes and literally beat the fucking shit out of him. You have two choices…stalk him like a political beast of prey, go in for the kill, or lose…it is that simple. You lose Hillary and the Democrats have just handed the keys to the White House to John McCain.