Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pig Mouthed Radical Islamic Cleric al-Sadr Threatening War

Iran FAT MAN and Porky Pig Cleric al-Sadr
The Porky Pig of Radical Islamic Clerics Mogtada al-Sadr is once again beating his chest and threatening war if Iraqi and US troops don't stop harrassing/attacking his followers (militia). Who cares? Let's be honest here, America screwed up when we had him and his men surrounded inside a temple...we should have demanded the fat pig boys full and unconditioned surrender, or taken him out even if it meant sacrificing a temple. Personally, I think it is time we bring our troops home, but if we are going to have any chance of victory in Iraq, the path to victory goes through al-Sadr. We either acquince to his demands yet again, thus giving him and by proxy Iran more power, or we mount and all out seige meant to take him down once and for all, dead or alive. It really is that simple, and if our generals, if George Bush do not get this, they have no business leading our troops.

Anti-US cleric al-Sadr threatens new uprising in Iraq

By ROBERT H. REID, Associated Press Writer 2 hours, 20 minutes ago

BAGHDAD - Anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr gave a "final warning" to the government Saturday to halt a U.S.-Iraqi crackdown against his followers or he would declare "open war until liberation."

A full-blown uprising by al-Sadr, who led two rebellions against U.S.-led forces in 2004, could lead to a dramatic increase in violence in Iraq at a time when the Sunni extremist group al-Qaida in Iraq appears poised for new attacks after suffering severe blows last year. For full article click here.

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